MBA Decoder

ISB has released its application for the PGP class of 2013-14. Interestingly, the b-school has added a new section- a video upload. They have also  changed essay 1.


  Application Deadline Offer Decision
 Round 1 September 15, 2012 November 15, 2012
 Round 2 by November 30, 2012 by February 15, 2013


Please make a strong case to differentiate yourself from an exceptional set of applicants applying for PGP 2013-14. You could cite personal/ professional achievements to present your case. (300 words max)

ISB has reverted to its age old question after changing it to an achievements related question last year. Earlier they have asked applicants to cite 3 reasons that differentiate them from others, or why you should be the last student to be admitted to the ISB class.

In this essay prompt, we advise applicants to list not more than 1-3 strong differentiating factors. Mention your  quality, then give your reasons for why you think  it makes you stand out. Go on to give an example of a relevant situation.

Summarize the essay with how these personality traits will make you an invaluable addition to the ISB class.


Where do you see yourself three years after you graduate from the ISB? (300 words max) 

ISB’s short term career goals essay has been around for some time and has been retained this year.  A complete answer should roughly incorporate the following details:

1. A short description on how your career has progressed, focusing on key achievements and any insights about motivations/ passion to take up a new position, change tracks etc.

2. What will you do after graduating from ISB – give the industry, function, job responsibilities. If you are specific about the location/ region, mention that as well.

3. How will the ISB help you achieve this career goal- what are a few key features of the PGP programme that specifically appeal to you?

From our experience of reading applications, we have seen that applicants don’t provide  sufficient details in the career goals essay. Reason being, they have not done  due diligence to really understand how their career will progress in their stated career paths. Therefore we urge you to reach out to people who have been there- done that and build convincing career goals.


Please provide additional information, that will significantly affect the consideration of your application to the ISB. (300 words max) 

Okay, so this is your  field and you can play whichever game you like here. But tread carefully, otherwise this game can be a wasted opportunity. If you have a setback in your candidacy, this is your place to talk about it. If you want to talk about some achievements, or your passion for wildlife or about how a certain incidence in your adolescent years shaped up your personality, use this space.

 Whatever you choose to tell the adcom, remember to repeatedly ask your self these questions: Why am I telling the adcom this? Is this relevant to my candidacy at ISB? The conclusion to this essay should explicitly mention the relevance of what you have written to ISB.


Life to me is…………………….( Please complete the following statement in your own words on Video) 90 Secs/15 MB in the format specified below. WMV & MPEG/MPG.

The video essay is a new one for ISB. Don’t let it intimidate you, instead look at it as an opportunity to tell the adcom more about yourself in an already compact application. This is an open ended prompt, so you can use it whichever way – describe a key personality trait, passion, influence by another person, or an important event that shaped your character. Whatever you decide – delve deeply into it so that the listener is able to strengthen his impression about you. Two mistakes candidates are likely to make here are:

1. Talk philosophical. The adcom does not want to hear tall but empty and impersonal words. Say something which is close to your heart.

2. Present a big list of facts. Don’t do that- it will only confuse the adcom abut your message to them.

Additionally, take care of your presentation, including attire, clear diction, eye contact and confidence!


Re-applicants need to submit an additional essay listing changes in their profile from the previous year/s.Your application is liable to rejection, if facts are not disclosed as part of your application. We look for significant improvement/s in the profile while screening re-applicants.

ISB welcomes re-applicants. Use this essay to talk about how you have grown professionally and personally since the time you last applied. Identify your weak spots in the previous year’s application and address them. You can mention changes in work related responsibilities, designations, company; any added achievements, specially if they bring you closer to your career goals. If GMAT was a problem and you have taken it again, talk about your improved scores.

You have the option of asking the previous recommenders to recommend you or get new recommenders. Do what will best help you demonstrate your “new and improved” version.
