MBA Decoder

The best way to prepare for an MBA interview is to practice thoroughly. Our team of admissions consultants understand the MBA interview process and will prepare you to answer with aplomb and impress your interviewer.

Who is it for:

This service is for applicants who have received an MBA interview invitation and want to be thoroughly prepared on their content and delivery. Interview preparation does not mean mugging up your answers and delivering them verbatim. Instead, we will prepare you so that you answer confidently on the spot while covering a breadth of your experiences instead of mentioning a few stories repeatedly. We will also guide you on your communication, demeanour and body language during the interview.


You can avail this service for one or two mock interview sessions.

How it works:

  • We send you a preparation guide and an exhaustive list of questions that get asked at your target school(s).
  • You take a practice round with our consultant.
  • You attend the main mock interview of 30 to 40 minutes on Zoom. This will be tailored to your target school(s).
  • Immediately after the interview, our consultant gives you detailed feedback on your content, delivery and any other issues in your performance.


Give yourself atleast two weeks to prepare and take your mock interviews.
